Children Social Care 16+ leaver’s costs

I would like to know the average cost paid by children’s social care for their 16+, leaving care placements.

This would include-

The average weekly cost of group placements staffed 24/7.

£1,303 per week.

The average weekly cost of group placements staffed but not 24/7.

£650 per week

Solo placement weekly cost staffed 24/7.

We can confirm that within Devon County Council there are currently no solo provisions within this service area that are being used so we do not hold this information.

Average cost per hour of support.

A disclosure of this information would prejudice the ability of the council to obtain competitive rates in the future and is therefore prejudicial to the commercial interests of Devon County Council. Whilst we respect the need to be open, it is not in the public interest to prejudice future negotiations and potentially increase costs.  This information is therefore exempt from information pursuant to s.43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.