Bus Service Reductions, Withdrawal and Spend 2009 to 2019

1. Please provide a list of the bus services in receipt of Council funding in Devon for each year since 2009/10 that have been a) reduced; b) withdrawn. (i.e. the request is for a list that covers council competitively-tendered services or services receiving de minimis support, but not covering purely commercial bus services)

We have taken this to mean those services which have been reduced or withdrawn as a result of reductions in Council funding. These are shown on the table provided.

2. The annual spend (in nominal terms) on bus services in receipt of Council funding in Devon for each year since 2009/10.

We have taken this to refer solely to County Council funds, i.e. excluding developer funding secured under planning agreements and devolved Bus Service Operators Grant. The figures are shown below:-

Year Expenditure
2009/2010 £6,792,674
2010/2011 £6,847,075
2011/2012 £5,505,500
2012/2013 £5,466,400
2013/2014 £5,666,926
2014/2015 £6,165,221
2015/2016 £5,581,187
2016/2017 £4,647,745
2017/2018 £5,199,752
2018/2019 £5,231,112