Blue badges and parking spaces

1. How many Blue Badge holders are in your area?


2. How many council-owned parking spaces there are?

It is estimated that there are approximately 27607 formal on-street parking spaces within the Devon County Council area.

3. How many of these council-owned parking spaces are for Blue Badge holders?

It is estimated that there are 354 mandatory disabled parking bays and 1901 advisory disabled parking bays.

4. How many of these council-owned parking spaces are parent-child spaces?

There are no parent-child spaces on-street in Devon as these are not permitted on the public highway.

5. How many fines are, on average, given out, to those that park in Blue Badge spaces that aren’t allowed to park there?

Between 1st January 2018 and 31st July 2021 the average number of Penalty Charge Notices issued for Code 40 (disabled persons’ parking) was 153 per month.

6. The same for parent-child spaces.

There are no parent-child spaces on-street in Devon as these are not permitted on the public highway.