Blue badge applications for non-visible disabilities

This request relates to the extension to Blue Badge scheme for people who have non-visible disabilities that came into force in England in August 2019.

1. Since the scheme came into effect, how many applications for a Blue Badge have you had relating to:
a) adults with a non-visible disability
b) children under 18 with a non-visible disability
c) adults with autism*
d) children under 18 with autism**

2. Please break down each of the totals above by the number a) granted and b) refused.

3. If possible within the time limits of the FOIA, please further break down each of the totals ‘granted’ above by a) the total number granted through the ‘without further assessment’ route and b) the total number granted through the ‘with further assessment’ route.

In response to the above questions, please see the table below based upon information available as of 30th July 2020 :

No. Applications
No. Applications
automatic eligibility
No. Applications
Issued subject to further assessment
No. Applications
Refused subject to further assessment
a) adults with a non-visible disability 595 45 209 91
b) children under 18 with a non-visible disability 402 1 201 59

We should clarify the disparity in the table above between number of applications received and number of cases which complete the process. The majority of these cases related to cases where no-response was received following request for additional evidence

We do not hold information relating to adults or children with autism who have applied for a blue badge. This could be established by a manual interrogation of each applicant but we do not have the sufficient staffing resource to obtain this information.