Bin surveys 2014-2019

Can the Authority provide the number of bin surveys it has conducted in each calendar year since 2014?
If applicable, can the Authority also provide the number of households subject to bin surveys in the same period?

For clarity, a bin survey is used to identify the types of rubbish being thrown away by households or which bins are being used, or both

In October 2017 we contracted M.E.L. Waste Insights to carry out a survey of 1600 residual household waste bins across Devon (and 200 in Torbay). This is the only comprehensive survey of this type we have carried out since 2014.

We should further clarify that we are not a waste collection authority as this is the responsibility of district, city or unitary authorities. We would therefore recommend that you contact these authorities as they may have obtained more surveys than we have. Contact details can be found on our website at: