Assistive Technology

1)    Does your Local Authority have in-house provision for assistive technology and telecare services and what percentage of the total amount is spent with external providers?

Devon County Council externally commissions assistive technology services and so 100% of spend is with external providers.

2) How much did your Local Authority spend on assistive technology and telecare services in 2015/16 and 2016/17 and how much is it planning to spend in 2017/18 on either a ‘spot’ or ‘block’ contract basis?

2015/16 actual spend – £318,000

2016/17 actual spend – £356,494

2017/18 budget – £392,000

3) How many service users in your area received assistive technology and telecare services on 1st April 2015, 1st April 2016 and 1st April 2017?

As at 13th April 2017, 1120 service users were in receipt of a monitored assistive technology service, with a further 990 service users in receipt of stand-alone or peer to peer monitored assistive technology services.

Devon County Council does not hold retrospective numbers for 2015 and 2016.

4) Please provide; full names, job titles and contact details (including telephone numbers and email addresses) of the responsible Managers and Officers and what section / department these staff are part of?

The lead commissioner for AT services is Alison Golby, Senior Commissioning Officer, 01392 383000,

5) Please provide details of any forthcoming tenders and contract renewals for such services? I would also be very interested in reading any other comments about commissioning and implementation of assistive technology and telecare services, including any other requirements in your area you might have.

Devon County Council recently tendered for AT services, as part of an integrated service delivery model alongside community equipment and adaptation services. This contract was let to Millbrook Healthcare and commenced on 1st June 2017 on a contract term of 5 years with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years.