Adults with Learning Disabilities providers, numbers and funding

 “Please provide a list of every adult social care provider who operates in your Local Authority who is either on a framework, block contract or provides services on a spot purchased basis

This information is available via this Adults With Learning Disabilities Providers.

Please give the local authority’s total annual expenditure with each of the providers mentioned in the answer to the previous question

This information is publicly available online via the list of payments made to providers from the Council – DCC Spending over £500

Please provide the total number of adults with learning disabilities funded by the Local Authority.

The current number of people with a Primary Support Reason of Learning Disability, where Devon County Council are involved in funding their current services, is 2303.

Please provide the number of adults with learning disabilities who have a supported living tenancy in the local authority

The current number of people with a Primary Support Reason of Learning Disability with supported accommodation or sheltered housing recorded (data limited by records which have been updated with the relevant accommodation status/tenure type) is 458.

How many supported living schemes does the local authority commission?

The local authority does not commission supported living schemes, but commissions care and support from 58 providers, who deliver that care and support to service users who are tenants in shared properties. There are over 300 of these shared properties into which care and support is delivered which we do refer to as part of a supported living model.  Please see Strategy for Supported Living definition ‘Healthy Lives, Vibrant Communities, Housing Choices’ – A joint Strategic Approach to Supporting People to Live Independently in Devon 2020-2025.

How many adults with learning disabilities are in need of new housing to support their wellbeing outcomes and quality of life?

To identify, locate retrieve and extract this information would require a manual review of 3,208 records. We estimate that each one would take twenty minutes making a total time needed of approximately 1000 hours, well in excess of the 18 hours allowed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 12 – ‘Cost of Compliance’.

Please provide the number of people with learning disabilities who known to the transitions team?

The number of people known to the Preparing for Adulthood team (where a Preparing for Adulthood referral form exists) who have a Primary Support Reason of ‘Learning Disability’ recorded, is 196.

Of the people with learning disabilities who are known to the transitions team, how many will turn 18 in the next 4 years?

Number of people known to the Preparing for Adulthood team who have a Primary Support Reason of Learning Disability broken down by the year they turn 18 is as follows:-

2017 *
2018 *
2019 34
2020 92
2021 39
2022 22
2023 7
Grand Total 196

* This symbol means that we hold this information but consider that disclosure may identify individuals and therefore breach their rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. This means we deem this information to be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 40(2) Personal Data.  With this being a qualified exemption, we have applied the public interest test, and are confident that the public interest is best served by withholding this information at this time