Adult social care – Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations

1) How many separate relevant transfers (pursuant to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006) from adult social care providers commissioned by your council took place in the years:

a) 2018/19;
b) 2017/18; and
c) 2016/17.

For all three financial years we can confirm the answer is nil.

2) For each of these years please indicate how many of those relevant transfers related specifically to homecare providers?

3) Finally please list the reasons for each of these relevant transfers? For example, whether the adult social care contract was terminated prior to the expiration of its term or whether the business/business unit was sold to or taken over by another care company.

Following our response to question 1, we do not hold any information in relation to question 2 and 3.