Adult Social care provison

a) How many private sector nursing home establishments catering mainly for elderly people were there?

69 nursing care homes – for further data see CQC website

What was the highest weekly rate for a place?

£1,281.00, excluding FNC which is £155.00

b) How many private sector residential care home establishments catering mainly for elderly people were there?

288 residential care homes – for further data see CQC website

What was the highest weekly rate for a place?


c) What is the maximum weekly rate that your local authority would normally pay for a publicly-funded place in

i) nursing

£640 including FNC

ii) Residential homes,


and in what percentage of cases did you exceed that contribution?


This includes banded packages that have an additional Market Premium, targeted support or exceptional payment on top. It doesn’t include Third Party Top Ups as they are not funded by Devon County Council

d) For what percentage of

i) nursing homes

ii) residential homes would this standard rate cover the full costs of a place

In all cases where we commission a placement we meet the costs of care

Targeted payments, market premia or third party top-ups are paid to meet specific additional needs, to exercise choice, or pay for additional services or reflect local market conditions