Adult Social Care Market Analysis

We have an information request – see below –

Please provide information in relation to the following;

Market Analysis
1. Is your council planning to undertake / has undertaken a cost of care exercise or market analysis to evidence the sustainability of the independent care sector for adult social care in their council area for 2018/19?
Please select one of the following options:
• Yes
• No
• Not Yet Decided

Devon County Council have a model for care home fees that has been consulted with the market and will come into effect from June 2018. We did a major recommissioning of personal care in 2016, which has a formula for inflation as part of it. We also tendered for unregulated care during 2017.

2. If Yes (to question 1), please give details of contact leading on this work for 2018/19?

Name = Ian Hobbs
Email Address =
Job Title = Senior Commissioning Manager

3. Is your council planning to undertake a cost of care exercise or market analysis to evidence the sustainability of the independent care sector for adult social care in their council area for 2019/20?
Please select one of the following options:
• Yes
• No
• Not Yet Decided

Please see our answer to question 1 above.

4. If Yes (to question 3), please give details of contact leading on this work for 2019/20?
• Name =
• Email Address =
• Job Title =

Block Contracts

Please see our answer to question 2 above.

5. Total number of long stay nursing home beds for Older People (aged 65+) block contracted for 2017/18 that were unoccupied as at 31st March 2018?

We do not have block contracts for nursing home beds