Adult social care clients – care home status and fees – 2020-2021

1. What is the average weekly fee (to the nearest £) currently (financial year 2020/21) being paid by your authority to support older (65+) residents of independent sector care homes in a) residential care and b) nursing care?

Note: average weekly fees should be stated gross of user charges and net of NHS FNC payable by CCGs or the equivalent in devolved administrations*

Snapshot data as at the 1st of January 2021:
Average Weekly fee paid by DCC:
a Residential Care £780
b Nursing Care £953

2. How many older (65+) residents are you currently** supporting in independent sector care homes for a) residential care and b) nursing care***?

Snapshot data as at the 1st of January 2021:
Older People placements:
a Residential Care 1,811
b Nursing Care 496

3. How many older (65+) residents are you currently** supporting in local authority operated residential care homes***?

We can confirm the following details:

OP residential units:- Mapleton 20 beds capacity – occupancy 18. Woodland Vale 20 beds capacity – occupancy 17. LD respite units:- Greenfields 5 beds capacity – occupancy 3. New Treetops 6 beds capacity – occupancy 6. Pine Park House 6 beds capacity – occupancy 3

4. What do you expect to be the average percentage uplift for 2021/22 in the average weekly fee rates your authority pays to independent sector care homes for care of older (65+) residents.

This is not yet determined and will be subject to consultation with care homes