Adoption – criteria

What weight or BMI criteria does the council have for prospective adoptive parents?

There is no weight or BMI criteria set by Adopt South West, guidance comes from the Department of Health and individual medicals undertaken by prospective adopters with their own GP. ASW will be guided by medical advice given.

What weight or BMI would preclude a prospective parent from adoption under the council’s criteria?

Please see our answer above.

How many families (defined as a single adoptive parent or an adoptive couple) did the council reject for adoption because they failed to meet its weight or BMI criteria in 2019?

From 1.10.18 adopter approvals would be agreed by the agency decision maker for Adopt South West. There have been no families rejected due to weight issues.

How many families (defined as a single adoptive parent or an adoptive couple) did the council reject for adoption because they failed to meet its weight or BMI criteria between 2015 and 2019?

Adopt South West can only comment from 1st October 2018 to date. There have been no families rejected due to weight issues.  Further information regarding the questions asked during the adoption assessment are available online at:

Can I adopt?