A396 Bickleigh to Tiverton Spend and HGV Survey

1. How much has been spent on the A396 between Bickleigh (including the bridge) and Tiverton over the last 15 years.

The bridge repair history costs for Bickleigh Bridge over the last 15 years (2005 to August 2020) is £133,440.

Devon County Council only holds financial information in relation to this specific road dating back to March 2007, but we can confirm that expenditure on the A396 between Bickleigh and Tiverton (excluding the bridge) from March 2007 to August 2020 is as follows:-

Orders: £689,637.06
Defects: £45,924.72
Total:   £735,561.78

2. Please give details of the Heavy Goods Vehicle survey carried out a year or so ago.

Please see the link to the Heavy Goods Vehicle Survey Results provided.