14 – 19 Strategy

1. 14-19 Policy, strategy or corporate plans or similar
a) Your latest strategy (or similar documents) specifically for 14-19-year-olds and their provision in education or any other service within the last three years and the most recent three (3) if these are available. I.e. no more than 3 docs

  • The Devon Children and Young Peoples Plan, which sets out our overall ambition for young people.
  • SEND Strategy, which sets our strategy to support for young people up to the age of 25 with SEN
  • Championing all our Children document provides an Education strategy for disadvantaged pupils.
  • A strategy is also currently being developed specifically for pupils aged 14 to 19 and is due to be signed off in December by the Corporate Parenting Strategy Group (CPMG).

b) Any statistical analysis which you publish or produce for members as a separate document on the needs of 14-19-year-olds pertaining to their education, welfare or other needs within the last three (3) years or the most recent three (3) . I.e. no more than 3 docs

2019 Education Learning Performance CS 1916.pdf 1MB provides data over 3 years.

c) Any statistical analysis which you publish or produce for members as a separate document on the evaluation or implementation of the 14-19 strategy or plans within the last three (3) years or the most recent three (3) if these are available. I.e. no more than 3 docs. These may be incorporated into generic documents i.e. for the whole authority

There is no specific statistical analysis on the implementation of the 14- 19 strategy, therefore we do not hold this information.

2. Analysis of data submitted to council/members
a) Please provide copies of any termly, quarterly or annual reporting etc to council or members where there is a specific heading in the report for the provision of 14-19 roles pertaining to a number of areas i.e. Attainment/achievement within the last two (2) years or the most recent three (3) . I.e. no more than 3 docs

See the report for 1 b attached above
a) 14-19 Not in employment or education or training data
Education and Learning Attainment Report 2017 – 2018 report covers three years and is the latest one available.
b) Please provide copies of your strategy/strategies for 14-19-year-olds who are classified as not in education, employment or training (NEETS) produced within the last two (2) years or the most recent three (3) . I.e. no more than 3 docs

Please see the response to Q1.

c) Any statistical analysis which you publish or produce for council members as a separate document on the implementation or evaluation of the 14-19 strategy or plans within the last three (3) years or the most recent three (3) . I.e. no more than 3 docs

Education Learning Performance CS1916. This is not linked to any strategy.

3. Quality assurance
(a) Please provide me with the latest copy of your general or generic quality assurance policy or strategy

One Devon strategy from the Babcock LDP website.

(b) Please provide me with the latest copy of your quality assurance policy or strategy pertaining to 14-19-year-olds if there is one ,if not this may be contained in an overarching general quality assurance strategy

Quality assurance is delivered by an assurance framework contained in contractual clauses with Careers South West (CSW)

4.KPI Monitoring Data submitted to council
a) I am particularly interested in any KPIS( key performance indicators) or data or measures which are submitted to council members or the education committees. This would include exclusions, attainment, attendance, achievement etc. Please can you provide me with two (2) samples of such monitoring reports which are submitted on a routine basis?

CS1847 2017 – 2018 Education and Learning Attainment report 

5. Joint 14-19 role strategies, consortia or forums
Where there are established forums, or groups or committees established on a formal basis or otherwise in your local authority please can you provide me with the
a) published minutes of the last three (3) meetings
b) Published reports or documents (last three (3) describing, evaluation or reporting on its work

Childrens Scrutiny Committee

6. Personal education plans
a) This is a statutory requirement for all looked after children
b) Please provide me with any information (reports or surveys or similar) regarding the monitoring of Personal Educational Plans by social services or the education department

Virtual School Annual Report 2018

c) Please provide me with any guidance notes you provide to social workers and/or schools pertaining to personal educational plans

Promoting the Education of Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children

There is also a guide to using the software that supports ePep.