Social worker registration HCPC

How many complaints have been made by Service Users stating that the Social Worker that they are dealing with reference to child protection and adult services is not registered with the HCPC? please give statistics for the past 12 calendar months

No complaints have been made by service users about non registration of social workers with the HCPC in the last twelve calendar months.

How many Social Workers have been identified as not being registered with the HCPC but who are actually practising and working within the Local Authority ? please give statistics for the past 12 calendar months.


Can you please clarify how the Local Authority would deal with a Social Worker conduct wise if he or she is found not to be registered with the HCPC?

Devon County Council would apply the


together with the Council’s Disciplinary or Capability Policy where necessary

How many Social Workers have put reports in to the Family Court arena and then found not to be registered with the HCPC please give statistics for the past 12 calendar months?

None – social workers are required to include their HCPC registration number on Family Court Reports.