School Class Sizes

1. How many secondary school classes in your area are expected to have (a) between 30 and 35 pupils and (b) over 35 pupils in the school year 2017/18?

The Local Authority only ever holds this information for maintained schools and, at this point in the year we would not hold the detail requested. This is because we would only be able to provide actual figures following the Spring Census in January 2018.
Whilst at present we may know a school has a predicted number of 37 pupils in a year group, this may not mean the class size is 37 as they may mix age groups or split sessions. Therefore individual schools would need to be approached

2. How many secondary school classes in your area had
(a) between 30 and 35 pupils and
(b) over 35 pupils in the years (i) 2015/16 (ii) 2016/17

The data below only includes maintained primary and secondary schools as the LA does not hold this information for Academies and Free Schools. As this FOI has requested information on secondary school and primary school classes the information does not include dedicated nursery classes in primary schools and post 16 classes in secondary schools. Mixed year group classes are included and may therefore include some full time and part time nursery pupils on roll (we are unable to separately identify year groups within mixed year classes and therefore cannot exclude nursery pupils). It is based on information provided in the Spring School Census for January 2016 and January 2017.

                                                               2015/2016                   2016/2017
Class Size     30 – 35    >35       Class Size   30-35    >35     
Secondary Schools   no of classes  88  0  no of classes  70  2
 Primary Schools  no of classes  456  4  no of classes  460  5

3. How many primary school classes in your area are expected to have (a) between 30 and 35 pupils and (b) over 35 pupils in the school year 2017/18?

Please see answer to Question 1

4. How many primary school classes had (a) between 30 and 35 pupils and (b) over 35 pupils in the years (i) 2015/16 and (ii) 2016/17?

Please see table above for Question 2

5. What is the largest class size at a secondary school in your area expected to be in the school year 2017/18?

Please see answer to Question 1

6. What is the largest class size at a primary school in your area expected to be in the school year 2017/18? In addition, if available please could you provide information on current projections for additional school places at Local Authority maintained schools set to be required in Devon:

Please see answer to Question 1

7. Based on current projections, how many additional secondary school places do you estimate you will have to provide in your local area in 2020/21?

Please see link below

Pupil place planning

8. Based on current projections, how many additional primary school places do you estimate you will have to provide in your local area in 2020/21?

Please see link below

Pupil place planning