Foster care payment rates

1.Details of the lowest, highest and average weekly fee rates agreed with external suppliers of Independent Foster Care Services for the current year (2017/2018).

Fees paid to Independent Fostering Agencies are determined by those providers. We do hold that information, however:

  • Disclosure of those rates may provide competitive advantage and prejudice the commercial interests of the agencies involved.
  • Disclosure may also prejudice the interests of Devon County Council as fostering placement fees may be increased which could result in reduced value for money to the Council and the people it serves.

Therefore, we are exempting this information from disclosure under section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Commercial Confidentiality

2. Details of the lowest, highest and average weekly fee rates paid to local authority carers.

Fostering Rates and Allowances 2017 – 2018

(Please note that for questions 1 and 2, we do not require details of rates paid to individual suppliers, simply minimum, maximum and average rates payable.)

3. Percentage increase in weekly fee rates, which were awarded to the previous year’s levels.

One percent.

4. Details of the rates of each tier (if there is a framework agreement in place).

Fostering Rates and Allowances 2017 – 2018

5. The number of looked after children in foster care as at 31 March 2017 and of those children, the percentage looked after by independent foster agencies.

On 31/03/17 we had 681 Children in Care.  Of that number there were 500 in fostering placements (327 in in-house fostering placements and 173 in external Independent Fostering Agencies provisions).