Referrals to children’s services

I would like the following information relating to childrens/social services:

For the following years: 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2021:

1) The total number of referrals made to Children’s Services

There were a total of 5,630 children referred to Children’s Services in 2017/18, 5,685 children referred to Children’s Services in 2018/19, 4,519 children referred to Children’s Services in 2019/20 and 5,137 children referred to Children’s Services in 2020/21.

These figures reflect the number of children referred to service rather than the number of referrals.

2) The stated ethnicity of the children to whom the referral is regarding

Note regarding numbers: * We have redacted very low numbers throughout to avoid identifying individuals, in line with S40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Indian 7 10 3 3
Pakistani * 7 4 *
Bangladeshi 11 5 12 3
Any other Asian background 47 37 49 19
Caribbean 0 0 * *
African 32 19 4 6
Any other Black background 0 3 * 5
White and Black Caribbean 38 49 38 26
White and Black African 23 33 19 31
White and Asian 58 49 23 39
Any other mixed background 61 42 37 35
White British 4,838 4,864 3,702 4,273
White Irish * 6 9 7
Traveller of Irish heritage 10 12 6 13
Any other White Background 234 223 179 113
Gypsy/Roma 36 30 8 15
Chinese 16 8 16 21
Any other ethnic group 38 24 48 22
Refused 2 14 13 17
Information not yet obtained 176 250 346 485

3) The total number of referrals that have resulted in an assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989

Of the 5,630 children referred to Children’s Services in 2017/18, 4,321 had an assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989.

Of the 5,685 children referred to Children’s Services in 2018/19, 3,944 had an assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989.

Of the 4,519 children referred to Children’s Services in 2019/20 2,989 had an assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989.

Of the 5,137 children referred to Children’s Services in 2020/21, 3,445 had an assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989.

These figures reflect the number of children referred to service rather than the number of referrals.

4) The stated ethnicity of the children whom the assessment is regarding

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Indian 4 9 3 *
Pakistani * 5 4 *
Bangladeshi 9 * 11 *
Any other Asian background 23 22 21 14
Caribbean 0 0 0 *
African 21 15 3 6
Any other Black background 0 0 * 3
White and Black Caribbean 30 36 24 16
White and Black African 21 21 14 24
White and Asian 47 38 18 23
Any other mixed background 45 31 23 29
White British 3,839 3,434 2,495 2,865
White Irish * 5 8 6
Traveller of Irish heritage 10 12 5 6
Any other White Background 124 111 77 69
Gypsy/Roma 31 29 7 14
Chinese 5 * 8 *
Any other ethnic group 24 16 23 14
Refused 2 9 5 14
Information not yet obtained 83 147 238 334

5) A breakdown of the outcome of each assessment, specifying the ethnicity of the child/children in each outcome.

Note: This response reflects individual children rather than individual assessments, to maintain continuity across all questions.

Assessment Outcome: Case Closure

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Indian 0 6 3 *
Pakistani * 3 3 0
Bangladeshi 6 * * *
Any other Asian background 11 14 9 4
Caribbean 0 0 0 *
African 3 3 0 4
Any other Black background 0 0 * 0
White and Black Caribbean 17 15 8 6
White and Black African 8 9 3 8
White and Asian 20 16 10 8
Any other mixed background 16 17 8 10
White British 1,785 1,637 1,112 1,290
White Irish 0 3 4 *
Traveller of Irish heritage * 5 0 4
Any other White Background 55 46 38 37
Gypsy/Roma 29 18 4 6
Chinese 5 * 3 *
Any other ethnic group 8 15 8 8
Refused 0 7 2 1
Information not yet obtained 53 86 151 219

Assessment Outcome: Multi Agency Early Help Offer 

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Pakistani 0 * 0 0
Bangladeshi 0 0 * 0
Any other Asian background 3 3 0 *
African 7 0 0 *
White and Black Caribbean 5 3 5 *
White and Black African 4 3 3 4
White and Asian 5 6 * 3
Any other mixed background 1 7 3 4
White British 549 603 362 390
White Irish 0 * * *
Traveller of Irish heritage 4 3 * *
Any other White Background 12 21 13 6
Gypsy/Roma 0 * 0 0
Any other ethnic group 2 0 1 1
Refused 0 2 0 1
Information not yet obtained 8 30 38 47

Assessment Outcome: Progress to Initial Child Protection (CP) Conference

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Indian 4 0 0 0
Pakistani 0 0 0 *
Bangladeshi 3 0 4 0
Any other Asian background * 0 3 4
African 0 4 0 0
Any other Black background 0 0 0 *
White and Black Caribbean 5 12 8 *
White and Black African 3 0 3 *
White and Asian 10 5 0 *
Any other mixed background 8 0 5 4
White British 368 306 368 411
White Irish 0 * * *
Traveller of Irish heritage 0 4 * 0
Any other White Background 6 16 8 10
Gypsy/Roma 0 7 * 3
Chinese 0 0 3 0
Any other ethnic group 0 0 4 2
Refused 1 0 0 1
Information not yet obtained 8 4 13 11

Assessment Outcome: Recommend Child in Need (CIN) Planning

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Indian 0 3 0 0
Pakistani * 0 0 0
Bangladeshi 0 0 3 0
Any other Asian background 4 5 * *
African 8 7 0 *
White and Black Caribbean * 5 3 3
White and Black African 4 9 4 9
White and Asian 12 11 5 9
Any other mixed background 15 4 6 9
White British 1,055 770 586 650
White Irish * 0 * *
Traveller of Irish heritage 4 0 * 0
Any other White Background 47 22 13 7
Gypsy/Roma * * * 4
Chinese 0 0 * 0
Any other ethnic group 10 0 6 1
Refused 1 0 2 2
Information not yet obtained 14 24 30 50

Assessment Outcome: Child Looked After (CLA) Planning 

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Pakistani 0 0 * 0
Bangladeshi 0 0 * 0
Any other Asian background 0 0 8 4
African 0 0 3 0
Any other Black background 0 0 0 *
White and Black Caribbean 0 * 0 0
White and Black African 0 0 * 0
Any other mixed background 0 1 1 2
White British 0 19 40 55
Any other White Background 0 0 2 6
Any other ethnic group 0 0 3 1
Refused 0 0 0 8
Information not yet obtained 0 0 1 0

Assessment Outcome: Short Breaks (CIN)

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Bangladeshi 0 0 * 0
White and Black Caribbean 0 0 0 *
White and Black African 0 0 0 *
White and Asian 0 0 * 0
Any other mixed background 0 * 0 0
White British 0 4 12 36
Any other White Background 0 0 0 3
Gypsy/Roma 0 0 0 *
Any other ethnic group 0 0 0 1
Information not yet obtained 0 0 4 5

Assessment Outcome: Transfer (Not CIN/CP/CLA)

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
White and Black Caribbean 0 0 0 *
White and Asian 0 0 0 *
White – British 0 22 15 33
Any other White Background 0 0 3 0
Any other ethnic group 0 0 1 0
Refused 0 0 1 1
Information not yet obtained 0 2 1 2

Assessment Outcome: CP/Care plan to continue

Note regarding ethnicity: we are able to provide only the ethnicities recorded on the system, and cannot investigate further where ethnicity is non-distinct. This matches for Department for Education Children in Need census guidance for child ethnicity.

Ethnicity 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Any other Asian background 3 0 0 0
African 3 * 0 0
White and Black Caribbean * 0 0 0
White and Black African * 0 0 0
Any other mixed background 5 0 0 0
White British 82 73 0 0
Any other White Background 4 6 0 0
Any other ethnic group 4 1 0 0
Information not yet obtained 0 1 0 0

* We have redacted very low numbers throughout to avoid identifying individuals, in line with S40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

All responses are for financial years.