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Lifelong Links service available for care experienced children and young people

The Lifelong Links programme is being re-introduced by Devon County Council with the aim of increasing the number of supportive, lasting relationships for children and young people in care.

The programme is designed to create a positive support network of adults who are willing to make a lifelong commitment to the wellbeing of the child. With its re-introduction, we aim to reduce the number of placement breakdowns, improve educational engagement and attainment, boost emotional and mental wellbeing and improve long-term outcomes in terms of training and employment opportunities.

Children and young people in care, or who are care experienced and under the age of 25 are eligible for Lifelong Links.

To find out more, visit: Lifelong Links in Devon.

If you know of a child or young person who could benefit from Lifelong Links, please contact

"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."
