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New SEND online request for access (RfA) to support process

Following feedback from SENCos and the advisory teams, we have updated, amended and reformatted the SEND RfA form to an online format.

Amendments include requesting more specific details around current needs and provision, which will support our triaging process and ensure the most effective support is given to schools.

The request to only identify 1 area of need, alongside our strengthened internal triage processes, will ensure that the right team engages to support your request at the right time (applying a joint approach from across our SEND advisory teams as appropriate).

If your RfA needs to be redirected to a different team or agency to meet the needs and outcomes you’ve outlined, we will do our best to signpost you to, and connect you with, the team or agency best placed to support you.

Please use this new online request for access form with immediate effect and discard and delete all old paper or web versions.

"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."
