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Apprenticeships within the Schools Workforce

The Devon County Council Apprenticeship Team have developed a new guide to Apprenticeships within the Schools Workforce to support Community and Voluntary Controlled who contribute to the Apprenticeship Levy.

The guide provides step by step guidance on identifying an apprenticeship standard, training providers, recruitment & selection, apprenticeships for existing members of staff and how to access levy funds. You can find a copy of the guide on the schools HR ONE – Policy and Guidance Library.

For schools who do not pay into the Council’s levy, please visit the government webpages for further advice and support on how to access apprenticeship funding through co-investment.

There is a known issue with some schools if they share the same PAYE as the local authority being unable to create an Apprenticeship Service Account. The ESFA have provided potential solutions and we are looking into these as a priority. We will provide further updates when we can on this issue.

"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."
