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EXPIRED Devon Term Dates 2023/24

Local authorities have a duty to determine the school term dates for community and voluntary controlled schools in their area and recommend these dates for adoption by governors of foundation, voluntary aided, trust maintained, academies and free schools. It is hoped that for consistency across Devon that all schools will adopt the recommended term dates.

In creating the attached term dates, we have attempted to keep the terms as equal length as possible whilst attaching the school holidays to immoveable dates such as Christmas, Easter and exam periods. Existing neighbouring authorities term dates have been taken into account to ensure consistency across the South West (where possible).

Please find the proposed term dates for 2023/24 via the link below. Devon County Council is now consulting with its schools, representatives from union associations and its neighbouring authorities. If you have any comments regarding the attached dates please respond by Friday 29 April.


"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."
