EXPIRED Have your say… DCC Support for Schools website
As part of the work to manage the in-housing of services from Babcock LDP into Devon County Council (DCC), we will be transferring the schools-related information, guidance and resources currently sitting on the Babcock LDP website to the Support for Schools webpages on the DCC website
This gives us the perfect opportunity to review and update these webpages so they are easy to navigate and provide you, as the user, with the information you are looking for.
We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete a short survey to help us understand how you currently use the websites, how easy they are to use and how we can improve the user experience.
Deadline: 5pm 18 March 2022
"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."