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Exe Estuary and Farmlands

Devon Character Area 24: Exe Estuary and Farmlands Map
Devon Character Area 24: Exe Estuary and Farmlands Map
  • Constituent Landscape Character Types

    Constituent Landscape Character Types:

    3B Lower Rolling Farmland and Settled Slopes,
    3E Lowland Plain, 4B Marine Levels,
    4A Estuaries,
    4F Dunes,
    4H Cliffs

    Part of National Character Area:

    148: Devon Redlands


    View east from the coastal grazing pastures towards the development on the eastern side of the Exe Estuary. GPS Coordinates 295857 87451
    View east from the coastal grazing pastures towards the development on the eastern side of the Exe Estuary. GPS Coordinates 295857 87451
    • Contextual Description

      This area focuses on the Exe Estuary to the south of Exeter and extends inland to the east and west to include adjacent farmland. The northern boundary is defined by the built up area of Exeter, and the southern boundary by open sea. The eastern and western boundaries are transitional and defined by declining association with the estuary as the farmland becomes increasingly undulating and rises to meet Haldon Ridge to the west and Pebble Beds to the east.


      Summary Description

      The estuary is the visual focus of this area; and although Devon has a number of estuaries few are as extensive as the Exe. This is a landscape of open skies characterised by the sound of seabirds, the masts of boats, and mud and dunes at Dawlish Warren. Views over the river are distinctive and the detail of the scene changes according to tide and season. The open expanse of intertidal mudflat when covered with water reflects the colour of the huge skies above. The whole scene is framed by rising landform on either side, which provides low level enclosure. The land rises gradually to the high ground of Woodbury Common to the east and Haldon to the west.

      This landscape is complex and diverse, combining ridge and valley systems with the open estuary landscape and red sandstone cliffs. The patchwork of fields and hedgerows, designed landscapes, woodlands and estuarine and coastal features creates a landscape of high scenic quality which forms an important part of the setting to Exeter, Exmouth and Dawlish. The underlying red soils, frequent vernacular buildings, estuarine and coastal views and hillside backdrops lend a strong sense of place. The shoreline railway and canal add distinctiveness and frequent small boats and moorings emphasise the maritime character.

    • Distinctive Characteristics

      • Extensive open, low-lying estuary opening onto south coast flanked by undulating farmland.
      • Deep red, fertile underlying soils that support intensive mixed farming and are visible within ploughed fields and as red sandstone cliffs at the coast.
      • Shallow valleys with small rivers and streams draining into the estuary, a landscape shaped by natural processes which changes with the tides.
      • Mixed woodland and notable areas of mature parkland concentrated within designed landscapes.
      • Few farm woods, but tree cover along streams or within occasional old orchards.
      • Patchwork of medium to large-scale fields delineated by hedgerows (often gappy).
      • Dunes, marshes, mud and sand flats and estuarine habitats (including Eel Grass) important for waders, wildfowl and sea birds.
      • Settlement pattern of nucleated villages, hamlets, farms and houses with cob, thatch, stone, render and slate and some brick; settlement denser on the eastern than the western bank.
      • Network of sunken, winding lanes with often dense, high hedgebanks connecting historic settlements and contrasting with modern infrastructure of M5 and railway.
      • Enclosed and sheltered landscape with expansive views across open water and intertidal mudflats from estuary edge and adjacent slopes.
      • Views to major urban areas including Exeter and Exmouth which lie adjacent.
      • Recreational influences seen in small boats, boatyards, moorings, quays and slipways and the Exeter Canal along the estuary shore as well as in nature reserves and walking routes and notable tourism development at Dawlish Warren.
      • Variable sense of tranquillity: tranquil in inland valleys and parts of the estuary where there is a serene quality, but disturbed close to settlements, railway and main roads.


    • Special Qualities and Features:

      • Strong sense of place and scenic quality derived from the open character of the estuary with its maritime influences.
      • Character and unique qualities reinforced by the contrasting wooded backdrop of elevated land at Haldon Ridge and Woodbury Common.
      • Internationally important habitats valued for wildfowl including Ramsar, SPA, SSSI, NNR, LNR and CWS designations for estuary habitats and sea cliffs near Dawlish.
      • Notable Historic Parks and Gardens – including Powderham Castle, Oxton House and A La Ronde and The Point-in-View – which influence landscape character and scenic qualities and have notable collections of veteran trees.
      • High quality views enjoyed including those that contribute to Exeter’s landscape setting. These include, naturally rolling hillsides of high scenic quality patterned by fields, hedges and woodland that feature in important views towards and from Exeter, Exmouth and smaller settlements, contributing to their green hill setting; skylines punctuated by distinctive historic landmarks both within and beyond this DCA that lend a sense of place e.g. Haldon Belvedere, Powderham Belvedere, Exmouth church, Woodbury castle hillfort.Various SMs – archaeological earthwork sites around junction 31 of the M5.
      • Extensive opportunities for water-based as well as coastal recreation (Exe Estuary ,Trail East Devon Way and Exe Valley Way long distance routes).
      • Distinctive views across and up and down the estuary, which can be particularly scenic under certain light conditions; this, along with abandoned vessels or hulks in the estuary, attracts artists to the area.
      • Buildings and features which denote the rich commercial history of the estuary; Exeter Canal and Locks (oldest of their kind in Britain); the Brunel Tower; and Second World War remnants such as the radar station on Exminster Marshes and coastal defence pillboxes at Dawlish Warren which remain intact.
      • Strong associations with seafood – important area for shellfisheries, with the Bass nursery and Exmouth estuary mussels.

    Forces for Change and Their Landscape Implications

    • Past and Current

      • Light and noise pollution, as well as visual intrusion from nearby development at Exeter, Topsham, Exmouth and Dawlish which have affected scenic quality in places, particularly the undeveloped coast.
      • M5 elevated crossing at the head of the estuary which has undermined tranquillity.
      • Scattered unsympathetic development within more rural areas resulting in a general urbanisation of the landscape, particularly along major road corridors; and expansion of some villages (e.g. Exminster) resulting in loss of local distinctiveness.
      • Significant leisure developments at Dawlish Warren and Royal Marine Barracks near Lympstone.
      • Loss of traditional orchards due to lack of management.
      • Reclamation of part of estuary as a repository for Second World War debris.
      • Major engineering works are being undertaken on the Exeter to Teignmouth Riviera Railway Line resulting from the major damage caused by storms in 2019. Increasing severity of storms threatening coastal rail infrastructure, stability of cliffs and natural coastal defences resulting in requirement for major coastal engineering works.
      • Landfill operations at Trood lane and Kenbury Wood.Climate change causing potential sea-level rise, which could lead to the loss of dunes, marshes, coastal grassland, mudflats and intertidal habitats (including the sand spit at Dawlish Warren) and increase in flood defences.Need for farms to have slurry tanks in response to new waste management regs – increasing industrialisation of farmsteads.

    • Future

      • Continued climate change causing potential sea-level rise, which could lead to the loss of dunes, marshes, coastal grassland, mudflats and intertidal habitats (including the sand spit at Dawlish Warren) and increase in flood defences.
      • Coastal erosion, exacerbated by climate change leading to changes to the coastline, coastal habitats and land use.
      • Potential agricultural intensification, leading to loss of traditional field boundaries, change to existing landscape patterns, and the need for larger farm buildings and industrial-style slurry tanks that are potentially not in scale and character of traditional farmsteads.
      • Uncertainty over post-Brexit agricultural support.
      • Potential for further leisure and recreation development and visitor pressure (including pressure for new access points for water-borne recreation and new cycle routes), which can erode rural character and potentially damage or disturb sensitive estuarine habitats.
      • New development at the fringes of urban areas and larger villages and on undeveloped estuary sides potentially affecting estuarine and coastal views and eroding rural character e.g. growth of Exmouth.
      • Conversion of traditional agricultural buildings and attached land for domestic and leisure uses, which can lead to unsympathetic boundary and surfacing treatments and erosion of rural character.
      • Conversion of traditional agricultural buildings and land for domestic and leisure use, potentially bringing unsympathetic boundary and surfacing treatments and erosion of rural character.
      • Widening and new access points to narrow lanes, eroding their rural character.
      • Potential pressure for the tidal energy of the estuary to be harnessed as a renewable energy source in response to government targets for climate change mitigation.
      • Abandoned vessels and shipwrecks on the Exe which may have detrimental visual and environmental impacts.
      • The restriction of natural processes by human development, including railway lines on either side of the estuary, as well as coastal defences and sea walls, all of which will continue to contribute to coastal squeeze.
      • Ongoing landfill operations at Kenbury Wood until 2036 and Trood Lane restoration
      • Further major engineering works on the Exeter to Teignmouth Riviera Railway Line.
      • The change /transition to the new land management system (ELMS) promises to be positive for the environment- more so than the CAP- and offers opportunity to strengthen landscape features and characteristics.
      • Need for landfill/landraising within construction sites and modification of natural topography.
      • Need for attenuation basins as part of SuDS as a requirement of new development.


    • Overall Strategy

      To protect extensive open views across the landscape to the estuary, coast and high ground of the Haldon Ridge and Woodbury Common; and to protect and enhance the area’s valued maritime character. Historic settlement pattern and vernacular character are reinforced in new development; and the pattern of fields, woodlands, hedgerows and narrow lanes is managed and enhanced. Hedgerows, woodlands, historic parkland and other historic features area all sensitively managed. The natural and cultural heritage of the estuary is conveyed through sensitive interpretation, and local communities are involved in planning for future landscape change as a result of sea level rise and change in coastal erosion.


    • Protect

      • Protect the distinctive, unspoilt, and exposed skylines which define the estuary.
      • Protect the setting of Powderham Castle including the historic designed views between Powderham and Haldon Belvedere.
      • Conserve the open, expansive views across the estuary, and the area’s coastal and sea views.
      • Protect the tranquillity and remoteness experienced in this landscape, particularly along the immediate fringes of the estuary.
      • Protect traditional building styles and materials, particularly local red sandstone with red brick detailing and cob/ thatch cottages, utilising the same styles and materials in new development wherever possible (whilst seeking to incorporate sustainable design).
      • Protect the undeveloped character of remaining areas of designated undeveloped coastline.
      • Protect the settlement pattern of nucleated villages, hamlets, farms and houses and avoid coalescence of villages and hamlets.
      • Protect the landscape setting of Exeter, Exmouth and Dawlish, ensuring new development enhances and restores features such as hedgerows, woodlands and designed landscapes.
      • Protect the landscape’s network of quiet lanes enclosed by woodland and species-rich hedgebanks, resisting unsympathetic highways improvements or signage.
      • Protect the unsettled relatively wild character of the coastline – permit development only where there will be no negative impacts on biodiversity value and wildland character.

    • Manage

      • Manage the hedgerow network by encouraging traditional hedgerow management practices and restoration of lost or gappy hedgerows sections particularly along slopes to minimise soil erosion and reduce diffuse pollution.
      • Manage designed landscapes and other historic features such as old orchards and veteran parkland and field trees and encourage a programme of replacement.
      • Manage estuarine and coastal habitats, including intertidal habitats, sand dunes, salt marsh, coastal grasslands, scrub and woodland, ensuring marshes are grazed at appropriate levels.
      • Manage the landscape’s popularity for recreation, encouraging the use of existing facilities whilst providing sustainable transport options and green infrastructure links to the surrounding settlements and balancing recreational use with environmental pressures and coastal squeeze.
      • Manage the agricultural land fringing the estuary, particularly mixed farming systems of value for bird life, encouraging local farmers to use the pastures and marshes for livestock grazing as part of their farming systems.
      • Manage areas of semi-natural habitat. Link and extend habitats where possible to increase biodiversity, contribute to nature recovery networks and provide suitable habitats for flora and fauna.

    • Plan

      • Plan for sensitive design of surfacing, way marking and signage on the Exe Estuary Trail, South West Coast Path and Exe Valley Way to maintain rural character and reduce soil erosion.
      • Plan for appropriate, distinctive design of new development – particularly new residential development on the edges of villages or conurbations – and provide green infrastructure links to recreational routes.
      • Plan to enhance and restore rural character and tranquillity through sensitive siting of any new development avoiding prominent ridges, valley sides and shoreline locations, with enhancement of hedgerows, woodlands and roadside planting to major road corridors.
      • Plan for recreational and leisure-related infrastructure that is sensitive and appropriate to the landscape setting and provide interpretation on the significance and ever-changing nature of the landscape, ecology and geology.
      • Plan to control moorings and water-based activities to maintain tranquillity and regulate timing and zoning of non-peaceful water-based activities to minimise impact.
      • Plan for the future impacts of climate change, particularly sea level rise and coastal erosion, allowing natural processes to take place wherever possible.
      • Plan for expansion of estuarine habitats to build resilience to future climate change, through intact nature recovery networks.
      • Plan a landscape-led response to the UK-wide policy drive for increased tree and woodland planting, implementing Devon Local Nature Partnership’s ‘Right Place, Right Tree’ principles to create a balance of climate-resilient native species appropriate to the local landscape.
      • Plan to contribute to nature recovery networks and provide suitable habitats for flora and fauna.
      • Plan for appropriate landscape and environmental enhancement measures to be incorporated into any major engineering works such as the Exeter to Teignmouth Riviera Railway Line.
      • Plan for new slurry tanks to be grouped with other farm buildings, recess into ground, use natural topography and trees for screening and integration and sensitive colour treatment with dark recessive colour to minimise visual impact.
      • Plan for landfill/landraising of development sites and modification of natural topography by designing new landform in character with topographic context, avoid artificial engineered landforms, and integrate into the landscape.
      • Plan for attenuation basins as part of SuDS required as part of development designing for biodiversity and amenity enhancement, where possible to enhance development not just provide engineering function.

