Service Data


Service area

Number of service users

% Male

% Female

% Disabled

% Ethnicity

Age profile

Adult Social Care (snapshot at 31st March)
All service users  10,478 44 56 In order to receive social care support, all users would come under the Equality Act definition of disability.

White British: 96.0

White – other: 2.6

Asian, Black and other ethnicity: 1.4

10,026 out of 10,478 records

18 to 64 years old: 43%

65+: 57%

Adult Social Care client breakdown by Primary Support Reason

(Percentage of totals above)

Learning Disability Support 22 29 16
Mental Health Support 13 15 11
Physical Support 46 39 53
Sensory Support 1 1 1
Social Support 4 5 3
Support with Memory & Cognition 14 11 16

Public Health Services

(April to March)

Young Devon counselling (Early Help for Mental Health service) Data update in progress
Y-Smart (Drug & Alcohol service for under 18s) – Tier 2
Sexual Health Service
Smoking Cessation

One Small Step

(Optum: April to October 2019)


One Small Step (Solutions4Health:  April to October 2019)

Whole population comparative data

48.5 51.5

Disabled (day to day activities limited a little): 11.8

Disabled (day to day activities limited a lot): 7.7

(Total disabled 19.5)

White British: 92.63

White – other: 3.62

Asian, Black and other ethnicity: 3.75

Service area

Number of children / pupils

% Male

% Female

% Disabled or SEN (see notes)

% Ethnicity

Age profile (numbers)

Children and Young People’s Futures

(snapshot at 31st March)

Children in Need (all)
…number of which were Looked After
…number of which had a Child Protection Plan

Enquiries to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (Children)

(monthly average)

Referrals to Children’s Social Care

(monthly average)


(Academic Year)

State-funded nursery 200 50.5 49.5

EHCP: 1.0

SEN: 3.0

White British: 80.5

White – other: 11.5

Asian, Black or other ethnicity: 8.0

200 (0 to 4 years old)
State-funded primary 57,501 51.1 48.9

EHCP: 3.4

SEN: 15.0

White British: 88.2

White – other: 4.1

Asian, Black or other ethnicity: 6.7

0 to 3 years old: 3,835

4 to 15 years old 53,666

State-funded secondary 41,166 50.5 49.5

EHCP: 4.1

SEN: 15.0


White British: 87.6

White – other: 4.3

Asian, Black or other ethnicity: 6.0

0 to 3 years old: 138
4 to 15 years old: 37,643
16+ years: 3,385
Special educational needs schools 1,733 74.0 26.0 Client group is SEN

White British: 91.9

White – other: 2.3

Asian, Black or other ethnicity: 5.0

0 to 15 years old: 1,641
16+ years: 92
Early Years provision 12,539 51.4 48.6

EHCP: 1.4

SEN: 3.0

White British: 90.3

White – other: 3.9

Asian, Black or other ethnicity: 5.8

Age 2: 1,183

Age 3 to 4: 11,356

Elective Home Education 2,310 48 52

EHCP: 8.1

SEN: 26.9

White British: 78

White – other: 4.2

Asian, Black or other ethnicity: 2.9

Not known/refused for 14.8

4 to 15 years old: 2,310


Ethnicity is for statutory school age pupils only.

SEN means Special Educational Needs. Data for disability is not collected, but data is collected for pupils with SEN. This includes pupils with a ‘statement’ and Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), and pupils in receipt of SEN support but do not have an EHCP. SEN is defined as: Children who have learning problems or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age.

State-funded includes LA Maintained, Academies and Free Schools. State-funded secondary includes all-through schools. State funded Special schools include LA Maintained but do not contain Non-Maintained Special Schools (information published in June).

Age is at start of academic year (31 August).

Elective home educated age profile is based on national curriculum year group equivalent. Information is based on the DfE statutory school census and EHE returns for January 24; figures are a snapshot in time.