Our Equality Reference Group supports the County Council’s work on equality and diversity by providing advice, feedback, scrutiny and connections to Devon’s diverse communities. It symbolises the partnership of Devon County Council with the local community in its commitment to equality, and includes members from various local organisations pressing for change. Equality Reference Group members are ‘subject matter experts’ from the voluntary and community sector and are independent of the County Council. Service Level Agreements are in place.
- Racial equality representative: Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council.
- LGB&T+ representative: Intercom Trust (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans people).
- Disability representative: Living Options Devon/Fusion Partnership (Disabled people and carers).
- Gender equality representative: Fawcett Devon.
- Older person’s representative: Age UK Devon
- Young person’s representative: Young Devon.
- Religion and belief representative: Devon Faith and Belief Forum.
- Trade Unions equality representative.
Position Statements
Position Statements from the Equality Reference Group can be viewed here.
How to get involved:
The group meet regularly throughout the year. Officers or Members are welcome to come along to an Equality Surgery (with the possibility to request one if any of the dates below are unsuitable). The group can also give insight and advice to Scrutiny Committees.
County Council Officers and Members wishing to consult the ERG on proposed changes to policy, strategy, or service delivery should contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team. Please discuss proposals at the earliest opportunity – a conversation with Equality Reference Group can help inform an Equality Impact Assessment which should shape and influence your policy/strategy. Please do not use the sessions to ‘sign off’ assessments or to just to give an update. Please provide any pre-reading at least two weeks in advance.
Community organisations can request agenda items or raise questions by discussing this with one of the members (for example, if you are a disability organisation then contact the disability representative which is Living Options Devon). If you are not sure who to contact please email the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team. Please note, the group focus on strategic policy and planning matters and do not represent individual complainants. If you have a complaint please use the Council’s feedback process.
See what has been discussed through our Equality Reference Group Newsletters.