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News, activity and reports

Equality newsletters

For information about equality, diversity and inclusion work at Devon County Council prior to June 2017, please see our Annual Reports. For more recent news and audits, please see our Performance Reports.


Census 2021, Children and Families Partnership and Plan, Fostering Assessments, COVID-19 Vaccines – work of the Inequalities Cell, Anti-racism, Annual Performance Report.

Coronavirus, Quality and Improvement in Adult Care and Health, Black Lives Matter.

Market Position Statement and Practice Model – Adult Social Care and Health, Pavement Parking update and the new employer support service to be launched in 2020.

Equality Policy and new Diversity Guide, Gender Pay Gap report, Adult Social Care Providers conference on equality, involving people in commissioning processes, Exeter Pride and launch of new e-learning on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Updating the County Council’s equality policy and objectives; an update on employment initiatives and celebrating the suffrage centenary.

Mobile library and outreach service consultation, an ‘EqualiTea’ discussion exploring the history of the suffrage movement and looking at current day equality and democracy, Vote100 celebrations update, action taken in response to a complaint about sexual harassment, first meeting of a new Staff Diversity Reference Group and SW Heritage Ability are up for an award.

Adult’s Health and Social Care equality session, discussion with the Head of Children’s Social Care, Sex and Relationships Education in schools for LGBTQ+ pupils, leadership group visit to Exeter Mosque, Exeter Pride, Vote100 celebrations and a round up of summer community events.

Economy and employment, Gender Pay Gap, creating a culture where “It’s OK to say it’s not OK” to harassment/discrimination, a new staff diversity reference group, further support for asylum seeking children and supporting carers in the workplace.

‘Edge of Care’ and ‘Community Connectors’ – helping people remain independent, a discussion on national and local issues affecting local government, sexual harassment, updated guidance including a disability access in the countryside, guidance on addressing bullying and harassment in schools, and a huge thank you to the ERG’s longest serving member who retired this year.

Adult Social Care accommodation and assessments, a Communities Strategy, LGBT staff network, Policing Scrutiny panel, development of a website for people with learning disabilities, acceptable and gender neutral language, improved access for Deaf people through a new Sign Language interpreting service and the results of the Community Insight young person’s survey.

Mental health services, development of a new strategic plan, Member development, conference on meeting the needs of Travellers and Gypsies, ‘supporting independence and resilience’ added to the Impact Assessment process, and ERG membership of the Joint Engagement Forum for Adult Social Care and Health.

DCC’s organisational structure, a new Communities Team, Promoting Independence, Purposeful Systems, Community Insight survey, Exeter Pride, Zero Tolerance to Hate Crime pledge.
