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Complaints, Grievance and Disciplinary Data

Data for April 2020 to March 2021

Customer Complaints

Results for a search of ‘keywords’ from the customer complaints system showed that 13 complaints had a discrimination element to them, noting that in the majority of complaints listed, discrimination is not the only or main issue being raised within the complaint:

  • 6 related to disability
  • 4 related to racism
  • 3 related to sexism.

One complaint was withdrawn, two were partly upheld, three were upheld, three were not upheld, four are still under investigation.

Staff Grievance and Disciplinary

In 2019 there was one formal grievance and three disciplinaries with a discrimination element to them. In 2020 there were four formal grievances or disciplinaries with a discrimination element to them.

Between January 2021 and March 2021 there were no disciplinaries or grievances with a discrimination element to them.

Discrimination incident reports (including unacceptable comments on social media)

Eight reports were made via the reporting form between 20th May 2020 and 20th March 2021. Three reports were made directly to the Lead Officer for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion via email or telephone.

No reports have been made in relation to unacceptable comments on social media.

Of the 11 reports made:

  • 5 related to disability discrimination/harassment
  • 2 related to racism
  • 2 related to sexism
  • 1 related to age discrimination/harassment
  • 1 was bullying (not related to a diversity characteristic).

Three reports were made by advocates or witnesses, four reports were from members of staff and four reports were from service users or members of the public.

Actions included:

  • Reporting inappropriate email content (spam) to Stop Hate UK.
  • Referrals to the EASS (national helpline).
  • Referrals to the staff grievance procedure.
  • Referrals to service or contract managers to investigate and take appropriate action (for example, staff disciplinary or ensuring support put in place for service user).

Four reports were anonymous and therefore referrals could not be made. Recommendations from the complainants included:

  • More training/awareness on how to be empathic towards people with mental ill health.
  • Deal with bullying more promptly and efficiently.
  • Use male and female symbols in social distancing signage (not two male ‘stick figures’).

In March 2020, staff were reminded of guidance on Domestic Violence, Abuse and Stalking following public concerns about violence towards women.
