Devon Biodiversity Net Gain Map

Free and non-commercial

Developers / BNG Facilitators (land agents, ecological consultants, Habitat Bank providers):  Please use the Devon BNG Map to find land owners/occupiers who may be interested in providing wildlife habitat.  Note that It may take time for this map to be populated.  If you are a BNG facilitator and want to be added to our list of consultants please email 

Landowners/occupiers:   If you are potentially interested in receiving funding from developers to create wildlife habitat please add your details to the map in order that developers and facilitators can contact you if they are looking to create or enhance wildlife habitat in your area.  Devon LPAs unfortunately don’t have the capacity to advise everyone who is interested in BNG and will generally not be contacting o/os on the map. However, a list of BNG Facilitators and ecological consultants who may be able to help can be found here.  

If you are interested in BNG but don’t want your contact details to be in the public domain then please send your name, contact details, address, grid reference for relevant land and any information about wildlife habitat you might want to create (if known) to  In sending this you are giving permission for the information (including contact details) to be shared with other Devon LPAs and developers looking to create habitat in your area.

The basics of BNG:   Wildlife habitat funded through BNG must be provided by someone with a legal interest in the land.  It will be secured through a legal agreement with the LPA (or possibly in the future through a Conservation Covenant).  It must be managed and monitored for at least 30 years as per an agreed Plan produced by a professional ecologist.  The developer must pay for the Management Plan and all costs of creation, enhancement, management and monitoring.  Monitoring reports need to be provided to the LPA for the 30 year period to evidence that wildlife requirements have been met.

DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL IS NOT POPULATING THIS MAP. It is up to landowners/occupiers to add themselves.

Please share your information here to be included on the map.

Use the map to find:

  • registered Habitat Banks
  • land owners/occupiers who have plans to register as a habitat bank provider with the relevant local authority
  • land owners/occupiers interested in delivering BNG on their land (including setting up a Habitat Bank)
  • Steps for Land Owners/Occupiers Interested in Learning More

    Step 1: For headline information on BNG see Defra guidance for landowners and land occupiers. We will be producing a simple overview for Devon landowners/occupiers asap..

    Step 2: If you are interested in finding out more about BNG opportunities on your land, contact an ecological consultant or BNG facilitator. Note that this consultants list is supplied without prejudice and does not imply any guarantee of quality of work regarding BNG issues.

    Step 3:  Contact the relevant Devon LPA is you are setting up a Habitat Bank.  A Habitat Bank is a wildlife habitat which is created in advance of the development and secured (registered) through a legal agreement with the LPA.  A developer can then buy units of this habitat as needed.  The Habitat Bank provider is responsible for managing the land and providing the LPA with monitoring reports.  Note that LPAs may not have capacity to review Habitat Bank proposals straight away.

    OR just add yourself to the map below, and if a developer/facilitator is looking for BNG in your area, they may get in touch!


The map is based on input provided by landholders, and Devon County Council has not verified the accuracy of any of this information.  The locations in the map are approximate only

Using the map

Click on the icons in the map to see more details about specific opportunities, including a link to contact the landholder related to that opportunity.

Further information is displayed on the right hand side of the map.