These action plans implement the Environmental policy. See how we are doing.
The Authority is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, including those from the purchasing of goods and services, to net-zero by 2030. The Carbon Reduction Plan explains how this will be achieved.
Waste and resources
The Corporate Waste Management Strategy documents the Authority’s intention to continue engaging all staff to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost. A significant part of the action plan is to improve data about how much waste is produced and how it is managed. See how we’re doing in the Corporate Waste Action Plan Progress Report.
The Corporate Policy for the Reuse and Repair of Assets highlights activities within the Authority where consideration of reuse and repair is required.
Marine plastic
Plastic is an incredibly useful material because of its versatility, but it comes with issues that need addressing. One issue is litter in the environment which ultimately ends up in the oceans. The Plastic Strategy describes how the Authority will play its part in reducing plastic litter. As part of this activity we have undertaken a review of our own use of single-use plastics. See how we’re doing in the Plastics Action Plan Progress Report.
The Procurement Strategy ensures the climate emergency is at the heart of purchasing activity to reduce life-cycle carbon emissions from the supply chain.
Countryside, coast and heritage
The Countryside, Coast and Heritage Strategy 2024 identifies opportunities to ensure that the Authority’s programmes, projects and services eliminate or at least mitigate adverse impacts on key environmental issues (such as wildlife, landscape and historic assets), reduce legislative and reputational risk for the authority and demonstrate community leadership on issues such as tree planting.
The Authority’s Pollinators Action Plan also contributed to this workstream.
Environmental risk
The Environmental Risk Strategy and Action Plan aims to: Identify, understand and implement all relevant environmental legislation fully; encourage a culture of reporting near-misses and sharing learning to improve processes; ensure planning for severe weather events is included in business continuity plans for business-critical services; and encourage all services to undertake an assessment of the risks presented by climate change.
The Draft Water Strategy and Action Plan looks to make further improvements to DCC’s management of water and take additional steps to minimise water consumption. We are working to improve data collection to inform the final policy and ensure activity is focussed on the right priorities.