Devon has an outstanding natural environment with a range of nationally protected landscapes and internationally important UNESCO designated sites.
National Parks
National Parks are areas of protected countryside that everyone can visit, and where people live, work and shape the landscape. Within Devon’s boundaries are Dartmoor National Park and a third of Exmoor National Park. Each is managed by its own National Park Authority that looks after the landscape and wildlife and helps people enjoy and learn about the area.
National Landscapes
National Landscapes, along with national parks, are the nation’s finest landscapes, given statutory protection by government. There are five National Landscapes in Devon. Three are wholly within the county (North Devon Coasts, East Devon and South Devon) and two (Tamar Valley and Blackdown Hills) are cross-boundary with neighbouring authorities. Taken with Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks, these ‘protected landscapes’ cover 35% of Devon.
The statutory purpose of National Landscapes is to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the landscape. They have the same landscape value as National Parks. Each of the five National Landscapes is managed by a local partnership. They bring together rural and landscape management initiatives that assist the delivery of the sustainable development agenda for the County. The distinct and unique qualities of each National Landscape need care and attention. Action is co-ordinated in each National Landscape by a small local team guided by a wider community partnership.
All the National Landscapes receive core funding support from the County Council and it also hosts two of the National Landscape teams (Blackdown Hills and North Devon Coasts).
World Heritage Sites
Devon has parts of two World Heritage Sites, which have been inscribed as being of outstanding universal value and of global importance by UNESCO. The Dorset and East Devon Coast natural site, popularly known as the Jurassic Coast, was inscribed for its geology, geomorphology and fossil interest. The Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape cultural site, known as Cornish Mining includes the Tavistock and Tamar Valley areas in Devon and relates to the cultural landscapes created by the tin mining industry and associated activity in the nineteenth century.
Both these Sites are managed through a partnership and team based in Dorset and Cornwall respectively, who work together to protect, conserve, present and transmit these places for future generations. Inscription can help promote tourism and increased focus on the conservation of a site, as well as engagement with the local community.
Both partnerships are actively supported and joint funded for core and project activities by Devon County Council.
Biosphere Reserves
Devon also has a third UNESCO designated area, the North Devon Biosphere Reserve covering much of north Devon from Dartmoor and Exmoor and the Bristol Channel to Lundy. Designated through the “Man and the Biosphere” programme, this is one of the first of six such areas in the UK. Work is focused around developing partnerships and managing projects for a sustainable future.
The Biosphere Team is part of the County Council, with funding from North Devon and Torridge District Councils, and works to maintain the world class environment and high quality of life in the area.