Devon County Council is the Commons Registration Authority for Devon. The Land Charges office is responsible for the updating of the Common Land and Town or Village Green Registers including amendments to the Register and the registering of new town or village greens in Devon.
What if a search reveals that a property is abutting or within common land, town or village green?
If we provide a positive reply to your common land and town and village green search, there may be implications for you. Please speak to your conveyancer for advice, or contact the Land Charges Team using the following email address If you require copies of the Register of Common Land, register maps or other related documents we hold please contact us using the same email address.
Pending applications for the registration of town and village greens
If you would like to find out whether there is a pending application for the registration of a town or village green in a particular parish, please see our town or village green public notices and contact Land Charges using the common land, town or village green email address if you require further information about an application.