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Confirmation of the STPCD 2022

The DfE has confirmed that following the 21-day praying period that ended on 3 November 2022 the teachers’ pay award for the 2022-23 process is complete as far as the DfE is concerned, apart from the intention to amend the STPCD 2022 again in the new year to take account of the King’s coronation and agreed extra bank holiday in May 2023, i.e. further reduction in days and hours required to work (similar to the changes made as a result of the late Queen’s funeral this year).

We will keep you updated on the publication of the revised STPCD.

As in recent previous years the DFE will not be issuing any communication other than what was included in the draft STPCD 2022 (now final) under part 2.

You can find the final STPCD 2022 and all the other relevant national documents including the LGA Teachers Pay Circular for 2022 on the LGA ‘one stop’ web page – link below

"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."
