Safer Recruitment and Safeguarding Level 1 online learning
Safer Recruitment – Are you confident that your recruitment processes comply with the latest safeguarding legislation? This online course has been written by our highly regarded Safeguarding Team, for governors, trustees and people who work with children and young people in schools, settings and other agencies in England.
Safer Recruitment Refresher – How can you be sure that leaders are taking all reasonable measures to ensure that adults are safe to work with children? This refresher course is designed to increase and refresh your knowledge and understanding of Safer Recruitment.
Safeguarding Level 1 – This Level 1 online Safeguarding training is designed to help schools provide basic safeguarding awareness to their staff team and to help evidence the training that has taken place.
Read about these courses in more details: Safeguarding | Babcock LDP
8 November 2021Purposes
For Information / Guidance"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."