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Closure of Chittlehampton C of E Primary School

Devon County Council’s Cabinet on 8 June 2022 approved the proposal to close Chittlehampton C of E Primary School from the 31 August 2022.  This decision had to go through a call-in period. Following the completion of the call-in period this decision was ratified 15 June 2022.

The decision was made with great sadness by the Cabinet but, in considering the director’s report and the impact assessment, it was felt the closure to be in the best educational interests of the children in the future as the school is regrettably neither educationally nor financially sustainable with such low numbers of children on roll which is not forecast to improve.

For further information, here is a link to the Cabinet report, impact assessment and minutes.

"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."
