Early Years Foundation Stage Conference: Empowering all our Children to Live Healthy, Happy and Active Lives
Thursday 6 October – Sandy Park, Exeter
Children settling into school in September 2022 will have spent half their lives in the context of a pandemic and for 2 year olds, life with Covid-19 has been their ‘normal’.
With this in mind, our annual EY conference will explore the importance of children’s earliest social experiences, the relationships they build within their settings and schools, and how we can give them the best possible start to their early education. We will explore, through a range of keynote presentations, the importance of early attachments, building positive relationships with adults and ensuring children are given every possible chance to lead happy and healthy lives.
Keynote speakers – Dr Sue Allingham – Jamel Carly-Campbell -Ben Kingston-Hughes – Dave McPartlin
Book your place *Special offer, bring a colleague for just £99+VAT
3 May 2022Purposes
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