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New – SEND Support consultations for schools

To offer a greater level of support and advice to schools, the SENCo helpline is being repurposed from 19 March. It will be replaced by an online consultation meeting with a multi-professional group consisting of SEND advisory teachers, Educational Psychologists and managers from the Statutory SEND team.

The 30-minute consultations will facilitate a solution-focused discussion with settings around any questions or concerns related to SEND policy, practice and provision and will provide advice, support and signposting. Specifically, we encourage consultations to be booked to discuss any concerns around attendance for a child or young person as well as where an EHCNA has been declined or there has been a decision not to issue an EHCP following an assessment. The consultation is not an opportunity to challenge any EHCP decisions.

Find out more and access the booking diary: SEND Support consultations for schools

"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."
