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EXPIRED Consultation: Pathfield Special School – reduction in places by closure of Pathways Unit

The Governing Body of Pathfield Special School is consulting on a proposal to reduce its number of registered places from 186 to 168 from September 2025, as a result of a phased closure of the provision at the Pathways Unit.

The Pathways Unit is part of Pathfield School, but the provision is delivered off-site at the Discovery Centre, a short distance from the main school site.

Pathways is an educational provision for secondary aged children and young people with needs centred around social, emotional and mental health.

Further information, including reasons for this proposal and proposed alternative arrangements are available at:Pathfield Special School: consultation on a reduction in the number of registered places by closure of the Pathways Unit .

The Governing Body would like to hear your views on this proposal by 23 February 2024.

Please email the school: Please title your email ‘Consultation on Pathways’.

"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."
