Making a referral to Public Health Nursing
You can now request support from a School Nurse via an online form. Parents/carers and young people can also request support directly using the same link.
Support can also be accessed via the Public Health Nursing Hubs via phone or email. If you’re not sure if the SN can help you can call or email to discuss this.
Young people (11-19) can also text a School Nurse for anonymous and confidential advice and support via ChatHealth – 07520 631 722
You will find information about what the service can offer as well as information about a range of health needs and services via the health for kids and health for teens websites.
25 January 2022Purposes
School Types
"Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. Please note that weeks without communications to schools are ignored and the links will go to the last week where a communication was made in this category."