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Devon’s SEND Local Offer

Who is responsible for EHC assessments and plans at Devon County Council

The SEND Statutory Team (formerly known as the 0-25 Team) carries out EHC needs assessments and reviews all EHC plans.


These are multi-agency assessments of education, health and care. An assessment will:

  • establish and record the views interests and aspirations of the parents, child, or young person
  • gather advice from education, health and social care professionals about the child or young person
  • agree outcomes across education, health and social care based on the child or young person’s views and aspirations
  • specify the provision required and how education, health and care services will work together to meet needs and support the achievement of agreed outcomes


Once an EHC plan is in place the special educational provision is secured by the SEND Statutory Team. This is either through additional funding at a mainstream school, a place in a resource base or at a special school.

The setting will hold an annual meeting to review the plan and the report of this meeting is sent to the SEND Statutory Team who will decide to either maintain, amend or cease the plan.

If the decision is to amend a plan, professional advice is used to make those amendments. Amendments may be necessary if there is a significant change in the description of needs.

What roles are there

Team manager

We manage teams and oversee the assessment process and reviews of EHC plans. We engage with parents, carers, young people, schools, colleges and professionals to provide the special educational support for children and young people in Devon and find the most suitable placements for their education.

We manage a team of staff who are responsible for assessments, issuing plans and the maintenance and review of plans.

Case officer

We will be the named contact point during an EHC needs assessment and during the review of an EHC plan.

We complete the case work required throughout a needs assessment and review. We work with settings, families, and other professionals to find appropriate educational settings for children and young people with SEND.

Please remember that you can find out the contact details of the case officer and also key information about your case, by logging into the EHC Hub.

SEND area co-ordinator

We work with local educational settings to monitor placements.

We work closely with the case officers and team managers to provide support.

SEND assessment co-ordinator

We support the team by facilitating the assessment and review process.

SEND service managers

Send service managers will lead in a number of areas including:

  • management of staff within the EHC Needs Assessment and Maintenance and Review teams
  • special schools placements and quality assurance
  • EHC assessment and review processes including guidance and communication
  • independent schools, contracting and quality assurance
  • further education colleges, guidance, and quality assurance
  • post-19 communications and processes

Get in touch

If you want to get in touch you can contact a customer service adviser by calling 01392 380434 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm). Our advisers will be able to assist you or will pass information quickly to the right people in the SEND Statutory Team.

For general enquiries please email

For case-specific enquiries please email When contacting this mailbox, please include your EHC Hub reference number in the email subject line as that will help us to respond as quickly as possible.
