For the next four years we will
- Increase discipline and rigour around decision making
- Transform, develop and improve our children’s services
- Respond to demographic pressures and future workforce challenges
- Embrace the positive benefits of a diverse workforce and create an environment that is inclusive and safe for all staff
- Make best use of data and intelligence to help inform what we do and understand its impact on the people of Devon
- Transform the way we work to make us more resilient and adaptable, and helps reduce our carbon footprint
- Invest in digital solutions to help us work more effectively and make us more responsive
- Enable greater financial resilience and improve financial planning
- Increase discipline and rigour around decision making
Are you in?
We want to hear your thoughts on how we can work together to make Devon the best place to grow up, live well and prosper
We are committed to being
a trusted council…
that leads and collaborates well, makes good decisions, uses resources effectively and is financially resilient
an inclusive council…
that is intolerant to prejudice and discrimination, invests in, develops and nurtures our workforce, and hears the voices of all our communities
an innovative council…
that listens and learns, uses data well and transforms the way we work in order to improve our services to the people of Devon
Transforming the way we work
The Council is committed to being a learning organisation – continually evolving, adapting, and transforming so that we can deliver the best possible services for the people of Devon.
How the Council and our partners worked together for a common purpose – to protect and support our communities against COVID-19 – has created a solid foundation for how we will work differently going forwards.
The extraordinary circumstances brought about by the pandemic demanded a fast-moving, agile, adaptable response, where new ways of working were quickly found and untapped capacity and capability discovered.
We were able to experiment, understand and learn more about how we respond to emergencies, how we can make better decisions more quickly, while ensuring local services were provided by working in very different ways.
As we look towards recovery from COVID-19, we don’t want to lose what we have learnt, or the best of what existed before the pandemic. Over the next four years we will take the opportunity to build on this experience to reflect, reimagine and redesign the way the Council works.
Councillor Andrew Saywell
Cabinet Member for Organisational Development, Workforce and Digital Transformation
“I will be making sure that the Council continues to invest in digital solutions that enable residents and Council staff to do business in ways that best meet their needs. It is vital that we work more efficiently and that our resources are properly prioritised”.
Councillor Phil Twiss
Cabinet Member for Finance
“Looking ahead over the next four years, I will make sure that the Council continues to be resilient and adaptable in the face of financial uncertainty.
Careful management will be needed to find a balance between the spending pressures in social care and the deficit in Devon’s special education budget”.
Are you in?
Tell us what you think about our plan
Select the priority that you would like to send feedback on: