Grants from Devon County Council

Information about grants and support offered by Devon County Council and our partners:

Locality Budgets
Small grants for projects that benefit local communities in Devon

Childcare Expansion Capital Grants
Grants for the expansion of childcare provision for children aged two and under and wraparound places (breakfast clubs and after-school clubs) for children of primary-school age

Devon Emergency Resilience Fund
Grants to help Devon communities be better prepared in the event of an emergency, including flooding

Emergency Tree Fund
Funding for large-scale tree planting on public land for landowners and communities in Devon

Fuel Voucher Scheme
To help people using pre-payment meters who are struggling to meet their energy needs

Growing Communities
For groups and organisations with projects that support Devon communities to build self-reliance, tackle hardship, improve mental health and wellbeing or address loneliness and isolation

Highway Maintenance Community Enhancement Fund
Towns, parishes and communities can apply for small grants towards improvements to the roadside environment, including pot-hole repairs

Household Support Fund
Funding available via your District Council to help people who are struggling to pay for food, energy, water bills and other related essentials

Mobile Boost Scheme
Businesses and households can apply for a voucher worth up to £1,300 to improve their indoor 4G mobile signal

Property Flood Resilience Funding Scheme
Homeowners can apply for up to £5,000 for a property survey to identify and purchase flood resilience measures

Please refer to your District Council for information about further support available including the Household Support Fund, Hardship Grants and Disabled Facilities Grants:

We have also set up these programmes to offer free support for people and businesses in Devon:

Decarbonise Devon
Advice on energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy projects for businesses and community organisations in Devon

Energy Saving Devon
Free advice and support to help make your home warmer and more energy efficient, including advice on grants for insulation and heating

Free School Meals
Find out if your child is entitled to free school meals

Free School Meals Holiday Voucher Scheme
Parents and carers of children who receive free school meals will receive vouchers to help buy food during the holidays

Holiday Activities and Food
The HAF programme is for children who are eligible for benefit-related free school meals, helping them to eat more healthily and to be more active over the school holidays

Train4Tomorrow Skills Bootcamps
Free training for adults in Devon and Cornwall and support for employers to create bespoke courses for their staff