The Steel Charitable Trust has launched a new funding strategy with changes to its grants programme. From 2025, it will offer two funding streams: one focused on activities benefiting Luton; and a new Under-26 Fund for the rest of the UK.
Under-26 Fund
Charities can apply for funding for projects that focus on creating educational and/or access opportunities for children and young people facing challenging circumstances. This encompasses those in circumstances, groups or locations that face economic challenges, social marginalisation or poor outcomes in later life.
All sorts of work could be funded through this programme, as long as the beneficiaries are in the UK and are wholly, or mainly, under the age of 26.
Grants are available to registered charities with an income of at least £50,000. You can apply for between £10,000 and £25,000. The funding is for specific projects but this could include revenue or capital costs as part of the project.
Focus of fund/fund aims:
Registered charities can apply for grants to support children and young people under 26 in challenging circumstances
Application deadline:
The first deadline is 15 January 2025 followed by 15 April, 15 July and 15 October 2025.