Heavitree and Whipton Phase 1 Consultation

St Michael's School traffic calming

The Phase 1 Consultation was held in November and December 2020, following the implementation of temporary measures to support walking and cycling during the COVID-19 pandemic. The consultation invited views on the following aspects of Heavitree and Whipton’s residential streets:

  • Walking.
  • Cycling.
  • Public Transport.
  • Traffic.
  • Parking.
  • Play and recreation.

Respondents could express their views through a series of poll questions, as well as submitting text comments and tagging issues on a map. The questions asked are detailed in a paper copy of the consultation survey.

Consultation outcomes

577 unique users responded to the consultation, of which nearly 70% lived in Heavitree or Whipton. Altogether, these users provided approximately 6,000 poll question answers, 2,000 free text comments, and 600 geotagged comments.

Of the various topics discussed, bus stop placement was perceived most positively, whilst the effects of traffic and the lack of priority for pedestrians and cyclists were highlighted as key issues. These latter issues were highlighted particularly frequently on Ladysmith Road, Hamlin Lane, Sweetbrier Lane and Thornpark Rise. For example, on Ladysmith Road, high traffic speeds were frequently reported, and cyclists reported feeling vulnerable on Hamlin Lane.

For more information on the consultation outcomes, please see the Consultation update leaflet.