The SEND road map 2019-2021 highlights some of our improvements and achievements that have taken place since 2019.
The information contained in the road map PDF file is based around an illustration of a road with the improvements and achievements marked along the way in chronological order.
The details are split out into years, as follows:
- Written Statement of Action published
- Staff survey on local arrangements
- SEND strategy 2017–20 workshops; Early Help Roadshows
- Training by Independent Provider of Special Education Advice
- Graduated Response toolkit launched
- SEN Coordinator network meetings established
- New Parent Carer Forum Devon (PCFD) launched
- PCFD members join SEND Health Reference Group
- Local Offer website co-reviewed for redesign
- PCFD members reach 300
- EHCP advice and guidance for special schools
- Training for families and professionals on Autism at transitions
- SEN pupil voice on School Councils (put the link to the Listen, hear and understand section on the LO)
- Co-designed support for people on the Autism assessment pathway
- Preparing for Adulthood offer developed
- Advice leaflets for new to SEND parents/carers published
- Speech, Language and Communication Universal Offer launched
- PCFD co-facilitated short breaks engagement review
- Induction training across all services
- Co-produced Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process feedback form
- EHCP hub launched
- Regular CCG and PCFD meetings established
- Engagement, advice and support on coping with COVID-19 rolled out
- New SEND Designated Social Care Officer role established
- Co-designed feedback surveys at key milestones in EHCP process
- SEND and EHCP process training for Public Health Nursing
- Parent Ambassador Programme rolled out with DiAS
- Increase in support groups for parent/carers with children aged 0–8
- Independence Toolkit co-produced and launched
- CCG input into SEND training programme
- Education ‘Who Does What’ guide published
- CCG SEND Designated Officer team established across ICS
- EHCP charter published
- Workforce Champions for SEND in place
- CCG SEND Annual report launched
- Parent Carer Needs Assessment launched
- Youth Forums established
- Children and Family Health Devon Alliance Single Point of Access launched
- SEND Transformation programme launched
- 629 new special school places agreed
- Decision to fully integrate services by in-housing the commissioned SEND support contract
- Short Breaks assessment launched
- CCG SEND practice feeds into wider health plans
- SEND Strategy 2021–24 launched
- Disabled Children’s Service represented in the MASH
- Plan and investment to reduce Autism assessment wait times approved
- New SEND service model co-produced and approved