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About the SEND transformation programme
Devon’s SEND transformation programme is a whole system approach. Read more about the overall programme objectives.
The programme contains seven work strands, along with work to embed co-production in every project. Each work strand has projects looking at specific parts of the SEND system and is governed by the SEND Transformation Programme Board. Read more about the governance programme.
The seven work strands, and what they are delivering
1. Strategy
The Strategy work strand aims to produce a new SEND Strategy which will help embed a shared vision and shared priorities across education health and care to improve how organisations work in partnership to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The work strand will ensure that:
- the strategy is developed based on what parent carers and young people have been telling us over the past 12 months, through engagement sessions, surveys, and various forums, as well as our data and intelligence.
- the strategy is co-produced by strategic partners, including Parent Carer Forum Devon, Devon County Council, NHS Devon and school representatives.
- the end result is a clear and embedded SEND strategy which all stakeholders are aware of and work towards in their day-to-day roles.
2. Inclusion and Early Help (Education)
The aim of the Inclusion and Early Help work strand is to strengthen the universal and targeted support available to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This will decrease the need for EHCPs (Education Health and Care Plans) and /or special school placements by upskilling mainstream schools’ staff with SEND knowledge and expertise.
The work strand will achieve this by:
- enhancing inclusion in settings through working with mainstream providers and families to set clear expectations of what universal support needs to be available through Ordinarily Available Provision
- developing an Early Help offer to provide targeted support to children and young people with SEND in mainstream school and helping those not currently in education to return and feel included in mainstream school settings
- developing and strengthening the early years offer to include reception classes and provide a seamless service that supports children with SEND from pre-reception and nursery into reception. This will enable successful transitions into school and needs can be reviewed in preparation for Year 1 and the national curriculum.
- building on the Special Schools Outreach Offer that will upskill staff in mainstream schools to keep children and young people with SEND in mainstream settings.
3. Preparation for adulthood
The Preparation for Adulthood work strand aims to ensure young people with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) receive the appropriate level of support as they become adults. This means they will have:
- access to appropriate education and training
- a planned transition into employment, independent living, or an identified next step in adult life.
The work strand will achieve this by improving how teams work together to support young people during their transitions at the earliest opportunity and, ensuring young people are aware of the options available to them post-16.
4. SEND Statutory processes
The SEN Statutory Processes work strand will improve statutory process in Education, Health and Care needs assessments (EHCNAs) and Education Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) reviews. The project will also improve the quality of EHCPs and communication with families and schools.
The project will ensure:
- children and young people have the right support at the right level at the right time.
- EHC needs assessments are conducted in a timely way and EHC Plans are of a high standard, co-produced, and meeting the needs of the child or young person.
- professionals are clear about their role in ensuring that the EHC Plan and actions are taken forward.
- Educational Psychologists (EP) assessments are done in a timely way ensuring that EHC Plans can be completed on time.
- there is improved satisfaction of parent carers and young people in the EHC process.
- there is clear understanding across the Local Area of the SEND services offer and how they connect by parent carers, young people, and professionals.
- parent carers and professional communities are clear what needs-based support is available and how to access it.
5. Sufficiency
The Sufficiency work strand aims to ensure that there are an appropriate number and type of services available to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities across Devon, based upon the needs in local areas. The project will help achieve positive outcomes for children and young people by ensuring there is robust high-quality education in their local communities.
The work strand will achieve this by:
- ensuring there are an appropriate number of special school places across Devon to meet the needs of Devon’s population.
- strengthening inclusion in mainstream schools through the establishment of SEND Provision –Resource Bases that help ensure children with complex learning needs receive the support they need within mainstream school.
- improving the use of Alternative Provision and how we commission these services.
6. Financial management and placement value
The Financial Management and Placement Value work strand aims to improve our processes and use of data to make informed decisions about how the council spends money to support children and young people with SEND.
The work strand will achieve this by:
- ensuring we make better use of the data available to us to more accurately predict, monitor, and manage budgets within Devon County Council.
- improving the commissioning of independent sector special school placements to meet the needs of Devon’s population and ensure value for money.
- improving the processes for authorising spend to ensure children and young people receive appropriate services in a timely way.
7. Multi-agency pathways
The multi-agency pathways work strand aims to improve the way services (including the council, health services and schools) work together to ensure a seamless experience for families when accessing support.
The work strand will achieve this by:
- improving waiting times for autism assessments
- strengthening the early identification of neuro-divergent needs in children and young people across the local area and ensuring that children and young people with a range of presentation skills are identified early
- co-producing a model for needs-based support across universal, targeted and specialist services to be available for families regardless of diagnosis
- improving access to support available to children and young people with speech, language and communication needs
- developing inclusive practice for children with social, emotional and mental health needs within schools to reduce suspensions and achieve zero exclusions.