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Devon’s SEND Local Offer

Help for parents and carers of young adults

We understand that caring for someone is a big responsibility and can be incredibly challenging. The Care Act 2014 recognises the rights of carers and acknowledges their need for support. We have put together information about the different types of support that are available to those that care for young adults and how to access them.

Carer’s assessments

As a carer of a young person over the age of 18, you have the right to have an assessment of your needs.

As part of a young person’s assessment within adult social care, the young person’s carer can have an assessment in relation to their care and responsibilities.

If you would like an assessment, you have two options:

  1. You can have a separate carer’s assessment, usually this is called a Carer Health and Wellbeing Check. You can have this assessment even if the person you care for doesn’t have any care or support needs. The person you care for doesn’t have to agree to you having this check and doesn’t have to know about it if it isn’t appropriate. This check is usually carried out through Devon Carers or your GP practice.
  2. If the person you care for has a care needs assessment, you can choose to have an assessment of your needs made at the same time. Your needs will be looked at together in one process as a combined assessment. This will usually be done through social care services.

All carers assessments will:

  • give you a chance to talk about your health and wellbeing, as well as the challenges of caring
  • give you information about support and services that will help you look after your own health whilst caring for someone safely
  • work out whether you have needs that make you eligible for social care support
  • give reassurance to you and the person that you care for

A Health and Wellbeing Check is also an opportunity to pick up on any early signs of ill health and help with access to treatment and support.

They are available from Devon Carers as well as some GP practices and pharmacies. If you can’t leave the person you look after, it may be possible to arrange care for them while you have the check.

To ask for an assessment contact Devon Carers.

Support for young carers

Young carers are put in a position of great responsibility at a very young age; dealing with situations that many adults would find a challenge. They have to cope in difficult circumstances, often not only looking after their relative but also helping to bring up siblings and run a household.

Who are young carers?

A young carer is a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person. This can relate to practical support, personal care and/or emotional support for any family member or friend of the family who is physically or mentally ill, frail,  elderly, disabled or misuses alcohol/ substances.

What help is available

  •  As a young carer, you will be offered an assessment of need in your own right in relation to your care and responsibilities. If you would like an assessment in your own right please contact Care Direct Plus on 0345 1551 007.
  • Devon Carers also has a specialist team who work with young carers, addressing the needs of young people providing care and support to other family members, primarily a parent or a sibling. If you are a young carer or you know someone who is, you can contact Devon Young Carers for help and support.

Care and Treatment Review (CTR)

CTR is a meeting to check that a person’s care and treatment is meeting their needs. It aims to answer these questions:

  • Is the person safe?
  • Are they getting good care now?
  • What are their care plans for the future?
  • Can care and treatment be provided in the community?

A CTR may be held for anyone with learning disabilities, autism or both who may be at risk of admission to, or who is already in, a specialist learning disability or mental health hospital.

There are now two versions of the Care and Treatment Review:

  • One is for adults and is still known as a Care and Treatment Review (CTR).
  • The other is for children and young people and is called a Care, Education and Treatment Review (CETR).

You can request a CETR and the care co-ordinator will identify the key concerns. A responsible commissioner would then ensure a CETR takes place, if appropriate.

Useful information

Financial support for families

If you care for someone over the age of 18 you could be eligible for some financial support in your own right.

Find out more about the type of support available on our financial support page.

Mental capacity

‘Mental capacity’ is the ability to make decisions. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 applies to everyone aged 16 or over and protects and empowers all those who may lack mental capacity to make their own decisions about their lives or their care.

For more information the mental health charity Mind have published a useful overview the Mental Health Capacity Act 2005 . There’s also an easy read guide to the Mental Capacity Act you may find helpful.

What is meant by ‘capacity’?

Capacity refers to a person’s ability to make a particular decision at a particular time. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 says that a person’s capacity to make a decision may fluctuate based on their wellbeing at a particular time. If there is doubt that a person has ‘capacity’ to make a particular decision at a particular time, a mental capacity assessment will be undertaken by either a health or social care practitioner.

Court of Protection, (court appointed) Deputyship

You can apply to become someone’s deputy if they ‘lack mental capacity’ – this means they can’t make a decision for themselves at the time it needs to be made. They may still be able to make decisions for themselves at other times. People may lack mental capacity because:

  • they’ve had a serious brain injury or illness
  • they have dementia
  • they have severe learning disabilities

You can apply to be just one type of deputy or both. If you’re appointed, you’ll get a court order saying what you can and can’t do.

You can find more information about becoming a deputy on the government website.

  • Devon Information and Advice and Support for SEND provides children and young people with SEND, and their parents and carers, with impartial, confidential and free information, advice and support that they may need in order to make informed decisions about their next steps or future options.
  • The Preparing for Adulthood Toolkit can help you and your young person make plans for the transition into adulthood.
  • Devon Carers is an information and support service run by eight organisations working together to improve the quality of services for all carers in Devon. It can provide help and support for parents and carers.
  • Care Direct gives information, advice and support to people who care for people over 18, including equipment and support in the home.
  • Carers UK is a national charity which can give information about your rights and entitlements as a carer.
