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Devon’s SEND Local Offer

Funding for schools

Funding for schools to help your child

Schools receive money according to how many pupils there are in the school and what ages they are. This should pay for a curriculum that meets the needs of all children in the school.

School budgets can be used to help children with SEND in any way which the school believes will provide appropriate support. This may be through additional resources, additional time with an adult or training for staff.

SEN funding

This is an amount a school receives to provide for the needs of children and young people who require additional support. Appropriate provision for pupils with SEND should be additional to and different from the usual support provided for other learners in the class.

Top-up funding

This provides for children and young people with the most complex needs. Who should receive this funding, how much they should receive and for how long is decided by a range of professionals with experience and expertise in SEND who work together for the best interests of the child.

The pupil premium

This is additional funding given to schools by the government so that they can support disadvantaged children and young people, and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.

Schools receive the pupil premium for each child registered as eligible for free school meals in reception to year 11, and for children in care.

The year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve at least level 4 in reading and/or maths at the end of key stage 2.

Parents should be told if their child is eligible and schools must publish a report on how this funding was spent each year.
