Salt Ordering

Devon County Council will provide salt free of charge to Parish and Town Councils who participate in the Snow Warden Scheme, however if delivery is refused the Parish/Town Council may be asked to cover any costs incurred as a result of the refusal.

Please only order salt if you have less than 75% of your salt stock still available. (the majority of parishes and towns have an allocation of 5 tonnes)

Salt ordering

"*" indicates required fields

Snow Warden Name
Do you have a suitable place to store and manage salt?
Salt will be delivered in 25kg bags and a minimum of 1 tonne can be delivered. How many bags of salt do you require?
Please supply a delivery address for the salt:*
Contact name for delivery of the salt if different from above (must be available between 9:00am-5:00pm)*
The standard size of delivery vehicle is 18 tonnes. Please advise if a smaller vehicle will be needed for delivery

Data protection

The personal data you provide on this form will be held by Devon County Council for the purpose(s) of administering the Snow Warden scheme. The data will be held securely and not kept for longer than necessary. Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you have the right to ask that your details are removed if and when you or the or the town/parish council that you represent, are no longer part of the scheme. More information about how we process your data is available in our privacy notice.