With the highway maintenance revenue budget under pressure, managing demand is an important part of our strategy.
- An increasing number of rural minor roads are subject to temporary road closures, as routine safety defect repairs are not affordable. These roads will be assessed for our future planned resurfacing programme and those considered beyond economic repair will be considered for downgrading or stopping up with the associated consultation and legal processes.
- A proactive review of the minor road network is underway in a number of pilot parishes. The aim is to identify sections of minor routes that have acceptable alternatives and do not provide access to residential properties. These will be considered for downgrading, with associated traffic regulation orders, or for ‘stopping up’ (this is a road ceasing to be a highway). This will be accompanied by appropriate community consultation in advance of the formal legal process…
- An important part of our strategy is to improve our public information. Our IT contact will ensure that information on our policies, programmes, fault reports received and works awaiting completion will be directly accessible to customers, reducing the need for direct contact with staff